At pecockar online yoga class, our mission is to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals to explore the physical and mental benefits of yoga. We believe that yoga is for every body and strive to create a supportive community for all of our students.
Develop your strength, flexibility, breathing, and energy with our Body & Brain yoga classes. You may notice that our yoga classes offer a variety of exercises and poses, helping to keep your practice fun and dynamic while consistently covering the basics. Each Body & Brain yoga class not only trains your body but helps center your awareness inside yourself. Through our signature breathing postures you can accumulate energy and strengthen your core, leaving you feeling recharged, relaxed, and refreshed.
Tai Chi and Qigong
Body & Brain tai chi and qigong classes incorporate a form of healing martial arts known as . What is ? Literally it means “the art of being limitless.” is derived from traditional Korean qigong and martial arts forms designed to open the flow of energy in your body for overall mental and physical well-being.
Body & Brain practice offers powerful guided meditation techniques to help you develop the sense of energy in your body and peace in your mind. Whether beginning or experienced with meditation, many people notice that their ability to meditate deepens through our classes. We offer clear and powerful meditation techniques that help you develop the ability to relax and focus on energy sensations, bringing your mind into a state of peace and centeredness.
Breathwork is said to be the foundation of true progress in the mind-body practice, affecting every aspect of our being. Our unique system of breathing postures can add transformative power and depth to your mind-body practice by teaching you to accumulate energy. Break through your limits with the added energy that breathwork can provide.
Devote three days to Yoga theory and practice as viewed through the lens of Ayurveda. Learn foundational practices of pranayama (breathing techniques), mudra (symbolic gestures), shat karma (purification methods), and meditation, as well as basic philosophy and theory of the ancient sister sciences, as taught by Baba Hari Dass.
that yoga is more than just a physical practise. It is a way of life that promotes mindfulness, self-awareness, and inner peace. Our goal is to help our students cultivate these qualities through the practise of yoga.
Our Mission
At undefined, our mission is to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals to explore the physical and mental benefits of yoga. We believe that yoga is for every body and strive to create a supportive community for all of our students.
Purpose in life is to serve the world in ways matching our unique personalities.
To do this well for a longtime, needs a fit body & mind.
Everyday for hours, we follow wrong postures for sleeping, sitting, walking. Our mind is stressed for many reasons. Yoga & meditation can counter this damage & prevent problems from getting bigger.
We bring you highly qualified trainers from Rishikesh, land of yoga. Take personal or group classes & make a lifelong habit to be yoga fit.
Classes All Seven Days
Small Batches, All Day
Flexible Timings,
Join Any Class Any Day
Live Women Yoga
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Our Instructors
Our experienced and certified instructors are passionate about sharing the practise of yoga with others. They provide personalized attention and modifications to ensure that every student can safely and effectively participate in our classes.
Do your favorite yoga classes at your own schedule
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